A New Generation of Leadership for New Jersey!


Adam S. Armahizer (Born August 30th, 1998) currently serves as a Councilman for the Borough of Raritan, New Jersey. As of 2025, he serves as liaison to Raritan Borough's Environmental Commission, Shade Tree Advisory Board, and the Borough's Veterans Advisory Committee. He advocated for the development and establishment of Raritan Borough's Military and Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee throughout 2024. He previously served as liaison to Raritan Borough's Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Somerset County Wastewater Management, and Board of Health. He also previously acted as Vice Chairman to the Borough's Regional & Shared Services Committee in 2023, as well as Chairman in 2024. As of 2025, Adam S. Armahizer serves as one of the youngest elected officials in Somerset County, New Jersey, and is the only member of his party on Raritan Borough's Governing Body.

Adam was born at Saint Peter's University Hospital in New Brunswick to working-class parents: his father was a truck driver for 35+ years, driving more than 4 million miles hauling cargo and commodities across the United States. His mother worked at a local pharmaceutical company for 35+ years, starting as a teenager and working her way up to becoming a functional manager in the Early Development and Clinical Pharmacology Department. Originally growing up in the Bradley Gardens section of Bridgewater, Adam and his family relocated to Raritan Borough following the destruction of their home from Hurricane Irene in August of 2011. Adam's parents worked hard to make sure that he stayed active in the local community- playing 8 years of Bridgewater-Raritan Pop-Warner football, 7 years of Bridgewater wrestling, and 6 years of Raritan Recreation baseball. Throughout high school, Adam transitioned from football to rugby, playing all four years and helping Bridgewater's rugby program to win a New Jersey Division I State title his senior year. He would spend much of his spare time in high school at local nursing homes and rehabilitation centers- volunteering for organizations such as Compassionate Care Hospice and connecting with elderly patients over their shared love for old music. Adam and his twin sister, Amy, would graduate together from Bridgewater-Raritan High School in the Class of 2017.

After graduating from Bridgewater-Raritan High School, Adam would go on to serve in the United States Marine Corps Infantry from 2017 until 2021, where he was twice deployed to a total of eight countries throughout the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Throughout his first overseas deployment, Adam's unit was tasked with providing anti-armor javelin security for the Marines and Sailors aboard the USS Kearsarge during its crossings of the Suez Canal, Bab al-Mandab Strait, Straits of Hormuz, Red Sea and Persian Gulf. His unit was then tasked with training the Royal Army of Oman's 11th Infantry Brigade (Western Infantry Brigade) before going to Kuwait to enhance the units rapid response capability. They would also go on to conduct additional cross-exercises and port visits in countries such as Greece, Spain, Jordan, and Bahrain. His unit later deployed to Japan and South Korea, where they trained with members of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps (R.O.K.M.C) 2nd Marine Infantry Division. Adam departed active duty service in July of 2021, after serving four years with 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines. After completing his military service, Adam would go on to attend Raritan-Valley Community College and later transfer to Cornell University, where he is actively pursuing his undergraduate degree in Industrial and Labor Relations.

Just 18 months after returning home from the Marine Corps, Adam S. Armahizer was elected by the residents of Raritan to serve as a member of the Raritan Borough Council. In the 2022 Raritan Borough Council election, 24-year-old Armahizer ran against Republican candidates Frank DelRocco and Nicolas Carra- both grandsons of former Raritan Borough Mayor's. A first-time candidate, Armahizer entered the race as the underdog- challenging two opponents with generational ties to local politics, and in a town where the governing body was predominantly controlled by the opposing Republican party. The 2022 Raritan Borough Council election became one of the most tightly contested race's in borough history- with Armahizer initially trailing DelRocco on election night. However, after the final vote-by-mail and provisional ballots were counted in the days after, Armahizer gained a narrow lead of seven votes. His opponent (Frank DelRocco), dissatisfied with the outcome, requested a recount, which was granted by a judge. The court-approved recount meticulously examined each ballot, which ultimately confirmed Armahizer's victory and even increased his lead to nine votes.

Military Service

Adam S. Armahizer served in the United States Marines Corps Infantry from 2017 until 2021, where he was twice deployed to a total of eight countries throughout the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Armahizer departed active duty service in July of 2021, after serving four years as an 0352 anti-tank missileman with 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines Regiment, apart of the 2nd Marine Division.


While deployed under the Trump Administration in 2019, Marines and Sailors apart of the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) deployed to the U.S. 5th fleet in support of naval operations to ensure maritime stability and security in the central region, connecting the Mediterranean and the Pacific through the Western Indian Ocean and three strategic choke points. Armahizer's Combined anti-armor section was responsible for providing javelin and heavy-machinegun security for the Marines and Sailors aboard the USS Kearsarge during its transits of the Suez Canal, Bab al-Mandab Strait, Straits of Hormuz, and all other major movements throughout the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Many of these waterways include narrow passages that serve as critical transit routes for a significant portion of the world's oil supply, making them highly targeted areas for military confrontation and asymmetric threats- such as small vessel probes, anti-ship missiles, and drone surveillance. Armahizer and his unit were then tasked with training the Royal Army of Oman's 11th Infantry Brigade (Western Infantry Brigade) in an effort to strengthen international relations in the region and enhance the military readiness of both nations. The unit was later deployed to Kuwait in order to enhance the units rapid response capability as part of a broader U.S. military response to heightened tensions in the Middle East. Throughout the rest of his first deployment, Armahizer and his unit would also go on to conduct additional cross-exercises and port visits to the countries of Jordan, Bahrain, Greece, and Spain.


Departing in 2020 and returning soon after President Biden's Inauguration in 2021, Armahizer and his unit later deployed to Japan and South Korea. While in the Gyeonggi Province of South Korea, Armahizer and his unit trained with members of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps (R.O.K.M.C.) 2nd Marine Infantry Division. The joint training exercise(s) allowed the various nations to exchange tactical expertise and engage in a variety of training activities designed to improve their coordination and effectiveness throughout the Asia-pacific region.

COURSES/EDUCATION: USMC Recruit Training Parris Island, South Carolina (Golf Co. Plt. 2077). Basic Infantry Training (Delta Co, ITB East). Infantry Anti-tank Missile Gunner Course (Class 2-18, ITB East). Combat Hunter Trainer Course (CHTC 6-19, AITB East). Advanced Anti-tank Missile Gunners Course (AATMGC 1-20, AITB East). Corporals Course/Non-Commissioned Officers(NCO) Course.

U.S. / DOMESTIC BASES: U.S. Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina. Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Camp Geiger, North Carolina. Fort Pickett, Virginia. Fort A.P. Hill (redesignated Fort Walker in 2023), Virgina. USS Kearsarge / Norfolk, Virginia. Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow, California. Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms / Camp Wilson, California.

FOREIGN BASES: Camp Buehring, Kuwait, Camp Patriot, Kuwait. Salalah Port, Oman. Camp Rabkut, Oman. Port of Aqaba, Jordan. Naval Station Rota, Spain. NSA Souda Bay, Greece. NSA Bahrain (Muharraq Governorate), Bahrain. Camp Schwab, Okinawa. Camp Hansen, Okinawa. Osan Air Base, South Korea. Camp Humphreys, South Korea. Rodriguez Live Fire Complex, South Korea.

MEDALs and AWARDs: National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal (Red Sea), Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (2x awarded), Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, and Expert Rifle Qualification Badge (2x awarded).

What We've Achieved
While serving as a Councilman for the Borough of Raritan, we have:
Honorably Renamed Mainstreet Adam-S-Armahizer-BasiloneBoulevard

Before even taking office, Adam S. Armahizer worked with Somerset County Commissioner Melonie Marano and Raritan Borough Councilman Pablo Orozco to Honorably Rename Mainstreet of Raritan as Basilone Boulevard. Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone was a Raritan Borough native who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions during the Battle of Guadalcanal in 1942. Armahizer credits Basilone with having inspired him (and many other young men and women from Raritan) to join and serve in the United States Marine Corps. Completed in September of 2022, Armahizer advocated for five blocks of West Somerset Street to be dedicated as "Basilone Boulevard" in honor of Gunnery Sgt. John Basilone. Read Full Article

Collaborated on New Municipal Complex

Throughout 2023, Armahizer worked with the rest of Raritan Borough's Governing Body to approve the $1,490,000 Acquisition of a New Municipal Complex on Raritan Borough's Main Street. In February of 2023, Raritan Borough's Governing Body began looking into the former PNC Bank property as a potential future location for the Borough's Administrative offices. On April 4th, 2023, Armahizer approved the introduction of Ordinance No. 2023-07, authorizing the Borough of Raritan to purchase the property identified on Raritan Borough tax map as 9 West Somerset Street, Block 107 Lot 3. On April 18th of 2023, Armahizer again approved the Ordinance after its second reading & public hearing. After a bidding series that required nearly a dozen public and special meetings, Raritan Borough finalized the properties acquisition in the summer of 2023. On July 18th of 2023, Armahizer and the rest of Raritan Borough's Governing body approved Resolution No. 2023-07-123 - authorizing the execution of purchase documents for 9 West Somerset Street. Read Full Article

Replaced 100+ Outdated Street Signs Adam-Armahizer-StreetSigns

Between June of 2023 and June of 2024, Armahizer worked with Raritan Borough's Department of Public Works and DPW Director Vincent LoMedico to Replace 100+ faded and outdated Municipal Streets Signs throughout the Borough of Raritan. Many of the municipal street signs throughout Raritan had not been replaced in 20+, 30+, 40+ years and (as a result of sun-aging and/or rusting) had fallen behind on maintenance standards and eligibility. The old street signs were later gifted towards Raritan Borough's Historical & Cultural Committee to be preserved and reused for historical purposes. Read Full Article

Recovered the Knox-Porter Joint Resolution

Between October of 2023 and July of 2024, Armahizer worked with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration to Recover the document that ended the United States involvement in World War I (The Knox-Porter Joint Resolution - after 103 years of being stored in our nations archival vaults). The U.S. Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 and 1920 due to concerns over the League of Nations and perceived constraints on U.S. sovereignty. Since the U.S. never ratified the Treaty of Versailles, The Knox-Porter Joint Resolution was created to formally end the United States involvement in World War I. The Knox-Porter Joint Resolution formally terminated the state of war between the Imperial German Government and the United States of America and between the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government and the United States of America. The documents were signed by President Warren G. Harding as well as Vice President Calvin Coolidge on the estate of U.S. Senator Joseph Frelinghuysen Sr. in Raritan Borough on July 2nd, 1921. Raritan Borough residents gathered on the 103rd anniversary of the signing of the Knox-Porter Joint Resolution (AKA Treaty of Raritan) for the first ever private viewing at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Read Full Article

Corrected the John Basilone Statue

Armahizer Brought to light and Corrected the John Basilone Statue after 76 years of displaying the incorrect Medal of Honor. In Februrary of 2024, Armahizer noticed that the original stone base of the John Basilone statue in Raritan depicted an Army Medal of Honor design. John Basilone was awarded the Naval Medal of Honor while serving in the United States Marine Corps during the Battle of Guadacanal in 1942. Being a Marine Corps infantry veteran himself, Armahizer knew that there were three different variants to the Medal of Honor- The Army Medal of Honor, the Naval Medal of Honor, and the Air Force Medal of Honor. In July of 2024, the John Basilone Statue in Raritan was given the correct Naval Medal of Honor design for the first time in 76 years. The new plaque was donated and installed by Jim Gano of Crown Trophy in Flemington, and the Basilone Memorial Foundation organized the unveiling, with Chaplin Larry Coyne offering a blessing over the statue. Read Full Article

Established Veterans Advisory Committee

Presented in August and finalized in January of 2025, Armahizer advocated for the Establishment of Raritan Borough's Military and Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee in order to make on-site U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) / New Jersey Department of Military and Veteran Affairs (NJDMAVA) resources and information more accessible to military veterans throughout the Borough of Raritan. On September 24th of 2024, Raritan Borough's Governing body approved Ordinance No. 2024-24, amending Chapter 5 of the Borough Code to create Article VII known as Veterans Advisory Comittee. On October 8th of 2024, Raritan Borough's Governing body again approved the ordinance after its second reading and public hearing. Read Full Article

Developed Clean-Communities Program

Armahizer collaborated with Raritan Borough's Environmental Commission to Develop Community Clean-up Program through the utilization of NJDEPs Clean Communities Grant. The NJDEP Clean Communities grant provides local government with critical funding for litter removal projects- allowing them to organize volunteer cleanups, purchase cleanup equiptment and trash/recycling receptacles for public spaces, promote litter education initiatives, and enhance stormwater management programs. Since taking office, Raritan Borough's Environmental Commission has conducted three successful community clean-up events- with two more slated for Fall/Spring of 2025. Read Full Article

Replaced Waterfountains at Public Parks

Armahizer collaborated with Raritan Borough's Environmental Commission and Department of Public Works to Replace waterfountains at Frelinghuysen Park with modernized rehydration systems through the utilization of NJDEPs Clean Communities Grant. To help curb the littering of plastic water bottles on public lands, the NJDEPs Clean Communities Grant now allows for the purchase of outdoor bottle filling stations. The Commissions's Chairman (Juan Alvarez) and Commission's Secretary (Emilie Stander) lead the initiative. Raritan Borough's Department of Public Works completed the project in the summer of 2024. Read Full Article

Hired a New Police Chief

Throughout 2024, Armahizer worked with the rest of Raritan Borough's Governing Body to Hire a New Police Chief to replace Chief Nolte in leading Raritan Borough's Police Department. For a small, close-knit community like Raritan, the selection of a capable and forward-thinking police chief was crucial to ensuring public safety and preserving the quality of life for its residents. Former Department Captain and 24-year law enforcement veteran Thomas Fisher was sworn in on June 11th of 2024 to serve as Raritan Borough's new Chief of Police. Read Full Article

Tree on Nevius Street Bridge

Between November of 2023 and December of 2024, Armahizer collaborated with Council President Don Tozzi on the Nevius Street Bridge Tree Lighting Ceremony. Armahizer communicated the idea to Somerset County officials and submitted the initial special events request with Somerset County DPW. Armahizer also helped Council President Tozzi to coordinate the events music and set-up for the 2024 ceremony. The majority of decorations and equiptment used in the first ceremony were donated from local businesses and shop owners. Read Full Article